There’s nothing more energizing to us at Masonry HQ than the sound of, well, music. In any average day at the office, you can find KUTX playing in the background of meetings and brainstorming sessions. Our own music tastes vary wildly, from synth pop to 70’s alt rock to hip hop to techno to bluegrass. But at the end of the day, the Masonry staff is a collective of music lovers celebrating our favorite little hobby in the live music capital of the world. With that, we thought we’d put together our own list of our favorite tunes so that you can create with us, wherever you are.
Ross Brandon, President and Digital Director:
“I’ll Fight” by Wilco, and “This Must Be the Place” by Talking Heads
Lauren Ellis, Senior Designer:
“Grounds for Divorce” by Elbow, and “Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene” by Hozier
Alyssa Scavetta, Marketing Manager:
“Gooey” by Glass Animals, and “All Die Young” by Smith Westerns
Colin Mumbach, Design Director:
“Music to Walk Home by” by Tame Impala, and “TV Queen” by Wild Nothing
Matthew Rotter, Web Developer:
“10,000 Emerald Pools” by BORNS, and “Gold Dust” by Banners
Want to check out the full playlist and download some songs for yourself? Follow our full playlist on Spotify!